Old fashion “Open Folder” Icon in the Dock

While the newer versions of OS X have been great and the dock has matured, I hated one thing.  Sometimes I just want to put a directory on the dock without it doing it’s crazy effect stuff to it like Fan, Grid, List, etc.  Many times all I want is a dock icon that will just open a directory in […]

Cleanup the Open with… menu in OS X

For OS X Leopard this worked for me. Cut and paste this command into terminal: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.f*/Frameworks/LaunchS*/Support/lsregister \  -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user

Goodbye Sun Microsystems…

So Oracle is in the final stages of buying Sun Microsystems Inc, a company I adored for years. It’s too bad to see Sun go, and with all other Oracle buyouts I’m sure not much will be left of the original idea of Sun. It’s sad to see, but after seeing Sun as the premier UNIX envorinment in the late […]

Cool Mac automater Actions

I just found cool automater actions at  http://junecloud.com The action I’m especially please with is the “Create Clean Archive” action.  This will create a archive zip file that does not have the usualy .DS_Store files and crap.  Excellent stuff!

Bye MobileMe…

Buying a hosted domain: $100 Buying a pro membership on smugmug: $60 Installing WordPress: $0 Able to manage my familiy’s websites with freedom and without major pain: Priceless! I recently started a journey on removing my dependancy on Apple’s MobileMe services. When .Mac ruled the land with web-based wonders, life was good. Then Apple decided to trash what worked with […]